Today I've discovered yet another reason our two-party system is failing America. I've always been of the opinion that we need more political parties. Not that I am naive enough to believe we only have two, but in reality we only have two that anyone gives a crap about. You know why? Because somewhere along the lines these two parties found it both expedient and useful to write into the rules of Congress that only the Democrats and Republicans get special privileges, which, in essence makes them superior in ability and access. Democrats and Republicans get special treatment and have special rights in our lawmaking and electoral process.
This, however, has led to a gigantic vacuum of progress and responsibility. Because they know that there will only be two contenders in every major political race, neither party actually has to DO anything. They can sit around and argue and bicker and vote pay raises for themselves, knowing full well that all they have to do is send some Federal money back home and blame the other party for all of life's problems.
This is what a multi-party government can bring to us. When there are an enormous amount of parties all vying for seats and influence, they are forced to actually take positions on things and be innovative in campaigning. They are forced to work for the betterment of society or else risk losing their seat and power, perhaps forever.
A multi-party system also forces political opponents to work together and build coalitions. You don't see any of this propagandist polarization in multi-party governments because without the support of many different people, you cannot govern.
All of these are reasons why I'm an avowed independent. I tried to vote in my primary yesterday and was barred from doing so, unless I was willing to declare a party affiliation. Well, I have principles.